Viser nu Bayern - Post frimærker (1870 - 1879) - 36 frimærker.

[Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D11] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D13] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D15] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D17] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D18] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D19] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D21] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 14-15mm, type D23]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
24 D11 1Kr - 83,36 10,42 - USD  Info
25 D13 3Kr - 83,36 2,08 - USD  Info
26 D15 6Kr - 182 67,73 - USD  Info
27 D17 7Kr - 130 31,26 - USD  Info
28 D18 9Kr - 312 625 - USD  Info
29 D19 10Kr - 260 312 - USD  Info
30 D21 12Kr - 364 1.250 - USD  Info
31 D23 18Kr - 312 260 - USD  Info
24‑31 - 1.729 2.560 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D12] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D14] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D16] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D76] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D77] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D20] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D22] [Coat of Arms - Diamond Width in Watermark 15-17mm, type D24]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
24A D12 1Kr - 4,17 1,56 - USD  Info
25A D14 3Kr - 10,42 0,78 - USD  Info
26A D16 6Kr - 41,68 41,68 - USD  Info
27A D76 7Kr - 2,08 3,13 - USD  Info
28A D77 9Kr - 8,34 4,17 - USD  Info
29A D20 10Kr - 6,25 15,63 - USD  Info
30A D22 12Kr - 1.250 2.605 - USD  Info
31A D24 18Kr - 15,63 15,63 - USD  Info
1874 -1875 Coat of Arms - Large Size

august VM: 3 Arkstørrelse: 50 Perforeringer: 11½

[Coat of Arms - Large Size, type E] [Coat of Arms - Large Size, type E1] [Coat of Arms - Large Size, type E2] [Coat of Arms - Large Size, type E3]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
32 E 1Mk - 625 104 - USD  Info
32a* E1 1Mk - 1.250 182 - USD  Info
33 E2 1Mk - 208 62,52 - USD  Info
33a* E3 1Mk - 521 182 - USD  Info
32‑33 - 833 166 - USD 
1875 Coat of Arms - Different Watermark

5. juni VM: 3 Arkstørrelse: 30 Perforeringer: 11½

[Coat of Arms - Different Watermark, type D25] [Coat of Arms - Different Watermark, type D26] [Coat of Arms - Different Watermark, type D27] [Coat of Arms - Different Watermark, type D28] [Coat of Arms - Different Watermark, type D29]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
34 D25 1Kr - 0,52 26,05 - USD  Info
35 D26 3Kr - 0,78 5,21 - USD  Info
36 D27 7Kr - 4,17 416 - USD  Info
37 D28 10Kr - 41,68 416 - USD  Info
38 D29 18Kr - 31,26 62,52 - USD  Info
34‑38 - 78,41 927 - USD 
1876 Coat of Arms - Value in "PFENNIG"

1. januar VM: 3 Arkstørrelse: 30 Design: Rieß Gravering: Stampatore: Universitätsdruckerei Weiss Perforeringer: 11½

[Coat of Arms - Value in "PFENNIG", type D30] [Coat of Arms - Value in "PFENNIG", type D31] [Coat of Arms - Value in "PFENNIG", type D32] [Coat of Arms - Value in "PFENNIG", type D33] [Coat of Arms - Value in "PFENNIG", type D34] [Coat of Arms - Value in "PFENNIG", type D35]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
39 D30 3Pfg - 31,26 2,08 - USD  Info
40 D31 5Pfg - 104 15,63 - USD  Info
41 D32 10Pfg - 208 0,52 - USD  Info
42 D33 20Pfg - 208 3,13 - USD  Info
43 D34 25Pfg - 208 8,34 - USD  Info
44 D35 50Pfg - 52,10 8,34 - USD  Info
39‑44 - 812 38,04 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - New Values & Colors, type D36] [Coat of Arms - New Values & Colors, type D37] [Coat of Arms - New Values & Colors, type D38] [Coat of Arms - New Values & Colors, type E4] [Coat of Arms - New Values & Colors, type E5]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
45 D36 5Pfg - 208 26,05 - USD  Info
45a* D37 5Pfg - 312 41,68 - USD  Info
46 D38 50Pfg - 625 31,26 - USD  Info
47 E4 1Mk - 2.084 130 - USD  Info
48 E5 2Mk - 26,05 2,08 - USD  Info
45‑48 - 2.943 189 - USD 


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